Omega Chapter Practices

These practices are established by the ESP Omega Chapter Executive Board to facilitate the orderly conduct of business. These practices may be modified at any board meeting by a majority vote of the Executive Board where a quorum is present.


The chapter President or Membership Recruitment Committee chair shall obtain list of eligible persons by August 15. Invitations to join Omega Chapter shall be sent to eligible persons by October 1.

    Only members in good standing by December 31 will be eligible for awards/recognition, scholarships and committee membership.

    Any member who does not pay membership dues to Omega Chapter for the current year will be placed on inactive status. He/she may be reinstated as a member in good standing by payment of the current year’s dues. Any former member returning to the profession will not be held responsible for the interim years’ dues.


    Annual membership dues are $80.00. (national-$55 and state -$25) First time member dues are $80.00 (national $55 and state $25) Annual dues shall be due and payable by December 31 of the current year. Retirees may elect to pay lifetime dues.


    Members in good standing by December 31 are eligible for awards/recognition.

    • Early Career Service Recognition (members having worked less than 10 years)
    • Mid-Career Service Recognition (members having worked 10-20 years)
    • Distinguished Service Recognition (highest chapter award to member having worked 20 or more years)
    • Continued Excellence Recognition (members who have received Distinguished Service Recognition. Eligible five years after receiving DSR)
    • Visionary Leadership Recognition
    • Administrative Leadership Recognition
    • Distinguished Team Recognition
    • International Service Recognition
    • Friend of Extension Recognition
    • 25 Year Employment Recognition

      Joint Council of Extension Professionals

      Contingent on availability of funds, Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Leadership Conference official chapter delegate will be reimbursed up to $1,000 for travel, hotel (chapter will pay half of room cost), and meal expenses not covered by registration fee will be paid as follows: Daily meal allowance will be reimbursed up to $55 for total expenditures of meals. Delegate will also apply for the National ESP stipend.

      Official delegate to JCEP Leadership Conference is chapter president or other board officer designated by chapter president.

      Public Issues Leadership Development

      Contingent on availability of funds, Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference official chapter delegate will be reimbursed up to $1500 for registration fee, travel, hotel room (chapter will pay half of room cost) and meals not covered by registration fee will be paid as follows: Daily meal allowance will be reimbursed up to $55 for total expenditures of meals.

      The official delegate to PILD will be appointed by chapter president

      Chapter Newsletter

      A chapter newsletter will be sent to members quarterly in the months of February, June and October.

      Membership and Recruitment

      Regional vice presidents will compose the Membership Recruitment and Retention committee.


      Expenditures not covered by policies will require approval of chapter president and state treasurer.

        Officer and Chair Position Descriptions


        • Chairs all meetings of executive committee/board, board of directors, and chapter.
        • Schedules regular meetings and plans agenda for executive committee/board, board of directors, and chapter meetings.
        • Chairs annual business meeting, sets agenda, reminds all officers about their expected participation.
        • Signs all certificates of recognition awarded to chapter members.
        • Assists recognition chair in submitting nominations for national recognition.
        • Invites all life members to annual meeting by individual invitation or through newsletter article; recognizes them during the meeting.
        • Provides for appropriate balloting for national recognition and makes sure secretary or recognition chair returns ballot to National ESP Executive Director.
        • Serves on executive board/committee, as past president/advisor, during two years following presidency.
        • Responds promptly to correspondence from National ESP Officers and committees.
        • Submit a chapter annual report to the national office each year as requested.
        • The Chapter President must be to provide an updated list of the newly installed chapter officers and committee chairs to the ESP National Office to ensure that proper chain of communication is maintained between the National Office and the chapter.


        • Functions as a president-elect, so exercises some administrative powers and duties as a learning/preparation experience.
        • Succeeds to presidency on recommendation of nomination committee and vote of membership the following year.
        • Functions at the direction of and in the absence of the president.
        • Works with chapter Vice Presidents in contacting prospective new annual and life members, “overdue”, and dropout members.


        • Records complete official minutes of annual business, executive committee/board, board of directors, and any special state Epsilon Sigma Phi meetings.
        • Assists recognition committee in submitting nominees for national recognition.
        • Assists in Inviting all life members to annual meeting by individual invitation.


        • The Chapter Treasurer plays a significant role in the operation of both the chapter and the National Extension Professionals’ Organization. The Chapter Treasurer has the responsibility for fiscal accountability of the chapter as well as the collection and payment of the National membership dues.
        • Serves as the chapter financial officer and maintains membership records.
        • Maintains chapter checking, savings, and special fund accounts.
        • Pays non-recurring bills authorized by president; pays recurring bills routinely.
        • Corresponds with the National ESP Executive Director on all matters relating to the finances of the chapter.
        • Gives the treasurer’s report at the annual business meeting and board meetings, including a written annual financial summary.

        Past President

        • Chairs nominating committee.
        • Serves as a member of the Board of Directors.
        • Serves as the Parliamentarian at meetings of the state ESP board.

        Regional Vice Presidents

        • Regional Vice Presidents shall represent the region from which they are from.
        • Serves as the membership liaison in their region. Identifies and reaches out to prospective new members in their region, encourage renewing membership, and reaching out to retiring members to become life members of ESP.

        Awards & Recognition Chair

        • Responsible for award submissions and collecting bios from award recipients.
        • Orders awards for award recipients to be presented at the state meeting each year.
        • Submits names and information for each award winner to nationals.
        • Announces award winners at the annual meeting each year.

        Scholarship Chair

        • Announces scholarship award application to all current ESP members in the state.
        • Forms a committee to select the recipient of the award each year.
        • Announces recipient at the annual meeting each year.
        • Works with the state treasurer to make sure the money is given to the recipient in a timely manner.

        Member Engagement Chair

        • Updates our state ESP website with correct and current information.
        • Corresponds with the National ESP board on any changes made to current state website.

        Amended – June 1, 2024
        Amended – April 23, 2019
        Adopted- August 28, 2014