Membership Benefits


There are many benefits to ESP membership. Perhaps one of the greatest is the opportunity to fellowship and learn from Extension colleagues across the state and nation. ESP membership is open to agents, specialists and administrators regardless of subject matter assignment. In effect, ESP is an “umbrella” organization that brings all Extension professionals together.

Professional Development Opportunities

Professional development opportunities for Omega Chapter members include the opportunity to participate in an annual national ESP conference, in the Southern Regional Joint Council of Extensional Professionals Conference (JCEP), and in the Public Issues Leadership Development Conference (PILD). If you are interested in participating in any of the above opportunities, contact your ESP Vice President or visit the National ESP Web Site.

How to join

Membership in the Omega Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi is open to Tennessee Extension professionals who are employed by UT/TSU Extension.  

Dues are $80 and are paid annually in the fall for the coming year. Retired Extension professionals may become Life members for $250.

ESP National has adopted an online membership system so all new members and renewing members will use this system to pay their annual dues.

Follow the instructions on the screen. In the Member of State/Chapter section choose TN/Omega

Invoices for renewing members will be sent in October of each year.

New Members may use this form to sign up.